The Dental Implant Recovery Process Explained

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You may feel intimidated about getting dental implants in Hollywood, but your worries should subside if you're well-informed about the procedure and recovery. Today, oral surgeons are taking advantage of new techniques and technologies to efficiently perform dental surgeries with little discomfort. It helps to understand what to expect after the procedure to make the recovery process as smooth and comfortable as possible.  

Dental Implants Hollywood

Dental Implant Surgery Recovery

The First 48 Hours

After the procedure, a piece of gauze is placed over the site. Don’t remove the gauze; wait until 30 minutes have passed. The gauze helps control the bleeding. It’s normal to experience oozing during the first two days following surgery, but if the bleeding worsens, you should inform your oral surgeon.  

For tenderness, you can take over-the-counter painkillers. If your oral surgeon prescribes medications, take them as directed. Swelling is expected, but you can minimize it by applying a cold compress on your affected face every 20 minutes during the first 24 hours.  

The First Week

It usually takes three to four days for swelling and discomfort to subside after dental implant surgery. If you had absorbable stitches, they should fall out during the first week. You should taper down your pain medication use at this point.  

You’ll be asked to return to the office seven to ten days after your surgery. During the first few days, you’ll be on a soft diet. This should change after a week, and you can gradually resume your usual eating habits.  

getting Dental Implants Hollywood

Do You Have More Questions About Dental Implants in Hollywood?

Healing time varies between individuals. However, the average healing time is about three to four months. You must continue brushing and flossing your teeth daily as it aids in healing. At TLC Dental, we offer dental treatments and patient education to help improve your oral health. Contact us for a reservation.

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