The Most Common Procedures Performed by an Emergency Dentist

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Ever had one of those days where your teeth decide to throw you a curveball? Maybe it’s a sudden, wince-worthy toothache that pops up out of nowhere, or perhaps you’ve had the misfortune of chipping a tooth on the very day you had big plans. That’s where an emergency dentist in Ft Lauderdale comes to the rescue.

But what exactly goes on at an emergency dentist’s office? One thing’s for sure: these specialists do more than simply plugging up cavities or handing out ice packs. They’re highly trained to handle a variety of urgent issues, from saving a tooth that’s on the brink of being lost to easing the kind of pain that makes you forget all about that big meeting or date you had planned.

Let’s peel back the curtain on the most common procedures performed by emergency dentists. Knowing what’s coming in case you need to see one can ease your mind (and mouth). Ready to find out how these quick-response experts keep your smile in check when the going gets tough? Let’s dive in!  

emergency dentist ft lauderdale checking patient's teeth

A Quick Fix Using Temporary Fillings  

If you find yourself with a part of your tooth missing or a filling gone rogue, an emergency dentist can swoop in with a temporary filling.  

While these fillings may not be your forever fix, they do a great job of keeping things under control until you can get a permanent solution. Temporary fillings are fast and fuss-free, which is exactly what you need when your tooth decides to surprise you.

Here’s what happens: your emergency dentist in Ft. Lauderdale cleans out any debris from where your old filling used to be or the new cavity. They then plug the gap with a temporary material that calms any nerve jitters and shores up the tooth against further damage. It’s a bit like using a spare tire – it won’t last forever, but it’ll get you rolling safely until you can see your regular dentist.

Pain Relief for Severe Toothaches

Nothing can ruin your day quite like a toothache. When your mouth is throbbing, it's tough to think about anything else. Luckily, your emergency dentist should be well-versed in the art of pain relief.  

The first thing they'll do is figure out the cause of the pain – be it decay, a crack, or something else. From there, they might apply a medicinal treatment directly to the tooth or its surrounding gums to soothe the pain.

The real magic happens when they tackle the source of the pain. This might involve anything from repairing a cavity to adjusting a part of your tooth that’s been damaged. Whatever the method, the goal is clear: to get you out of pain and back to your life as quickly as possible.

Re-Attaching Knocked-Out Teeth

It’s the dental emergency that makes everyone cringe: a knocked-out tooth. Whether it's from sports, an accidental elbow, or a slip in the bathtub, a dislodged tooth requires fast action, both from you and a skilled emergency dentist in Ft. Lauderdale. The sooner you get to them (ideally within an hour), the better. They might still be able to reattach it.

Here’s your game plan: pick up the tooth by the crown (that's the part you usually see above the gum line), give it a gentle rinse with milk or saliva, and if possible, pop it back into the socket. If you can't get it back in, no worries. Just tuck it into a small container filled with milk or saliva to keep it moist.  

Once you’re done, head straight to your emergency dentist in Ft Lauderdale. they'll carefully clean both the tooth and its former home in your mouth and try to put it back in place, securing it with a splint to help it reattach and heal properly.

Repairing Chipped or Broken Teeth

Got a chipped or broken tooth? Don’t panic! An emergency dentist is just a phone call away and has all the tools needed to fix you up. Chipped and broken teeth are pretty standard in emergency dental offices, and your dentist has a few tricks to make things right.

The treatment depends on the severity of the damage. For minor chips, your emergency dentist in Ft Lauderdale might simply smooth out the rough edges or apply a composite material that matches your tooth's color, making it look good as new.  

If the break is more severe, you might need something more robust, like a crown or veneer. Your dentist will clean up the damaged area, get the tooth ready, and fit a restoration that restores your smile and bite.  

Treating Dental Abscesses

Dental abscess is no joke; it means there's an infection either at the root of your tooth or somewhere between your tooth and gum, leading to swelling, pain, and other serious health issues if not treated promptly. This is when you really need an emergency dentist who can handle the intense stuff.  

Your emergency dentist will begin by diagnosing the abscess through visual inspection and possibly an x-ray. Next, they’ll likely perform a procedure to drain the abscess to relieve the pain and start tackling the infection. This might include root canal therapy if the infection has reached deep into the tooth's root. You'll also get some antibiotics to help fight off any remaining germs.

It’s crucial to get an abscess treated the moment you spot one to avoid further complications, and your emergency dentist is the best person for this urgent job.

Crowning or Capping Urgencies

Do you have a tooth that’s seen better days due to a crack or some decay? That’s where an emergency dentist makes the save with a dental crown or cap. They’ll restore your beautiful smile and keep the affected tooth safe from any more trouble.

Your dentist will take a look and might need to remove some of the damaged parts to make sure the crown fits just right. Then, they’ll set you up with a temporary crown to keep things in order until your permanent crown is ready. Besides saving your tooth, this will bring it back to its glory days, fully functional and looking good, so you can flash your smile without a second thought.

emergency dentist ft lauderdale and patient

Looking for a Reliable Emergency Dentist in Ft. Lauderdale?

When dental emergencies strike, you need a team you can trust to handle the situation with expertise and care – and TLC Dental does just that. We’re always ready to tackle any dental challenge with speed, expertise, and the gentle care you deserve.  

Whether it's a midnight toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or a sudden abscess, you can count on our team to provide relief and effective solutions, fast. Book an appointment with TLC Dental today.

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