What Are the Steps Involved in Professional Teeth Cleaning?

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Professional teeth cleaning in Hollywood, FL, is an integral aspect of oral hygiene and overall health. Regular cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar, which are responsible for causing cavities and periodontal disease.  

It's also an opportunity to identify early signs of oral health issues, such as tooth decay and gum disease before they become more serious. If you've ever had your teeth cleaned at a dental office, you probably have no idea what the procedure involves. This blog is dedicated to briefly discussing the steps during teeth cleaning.

Dentist performing a teeth cleaning in hollywood fl

Steps in Professional Teeth Cleaning

Oral Exam  

Before your dentist gets into cleaning, you’ll undergo an extensive oral exam. During an oral exam, you’ll be asked to open your mouth wide so your dentist can check your teeth and gums for signs of problems.  

Digital X-rays

For patients who haven’t had their teeth cleaned for more than six months, sometimes the dentist recommends taking a digital X-ray of the mouth to check for teeth movement, bone loss, cysts, tooth decay, and gum disease. The information obtained from your x-ray will be used to make your treatment plan.  

Removing Plaque and Tartar

Using a concave mirror, your dentist will use a special tool known as a scaler to scrape away plaque and tartar from your teeth gently. A manual scaler removes small amounts of tartar, but for large tartar deposits, your dentist will opt for an ultrasonic scaler. By combining gentle vibration with water, large amounts of tartar can be removed effectively.


Once all the plaque and tartar are removed, your dentist will polish your teeth using a high-powered brush and gritty toothpaste.  


Part of the cleaning process is flossing your teeth to remove plaque and bacteria accumulated in the tiny spaces between your teeth.  

Final Examination

Last but not least, your dentist will evaluate your teeth to check for alignment, gum disease, and grinding issues. Some dentists may also perform oral cancer screening.

Patient getting a teeth cleaning in hollywood fl

Are You Due for Teeth Cleaning in Hollywood, FL?  

Has it been six months since you last had your teeth cleaned? At TLC Dental, we offer comprehensive oral exams and teeth cleanings at an affordable price. We strive to create a relaxing environment to keep you comfortable. Contact us to request a reservation.

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